Thursday, April 12, 2012

Overwhelmed - In a Good Way

The past two weeks since we received Francis’ referral have been amazing, and I don’t recall the last time I was overcome with such incredible emotion.  The feelings I’ve experienced over the last two weeks have been nothing short of overwhelming – in a good way.

Do you remember the book (or the movie) How the Grinch Stole Christmas?  First the Grinch’s heart was three sizes too small, but after realizing the meaning of Christmas, “ Who-ville they say, that the Grinch's small heart, grew three sizes that day!”  Yes.  This is exactly how I feel – like my heart has grown (at least) three sizes for this (as my best friend puts it) “super-cute and super-handsome both at the same time” little boy who some days I still can’t believe I will get to love and hug and call my son.  The love and joy Francis has brought to our home – and he’s not even here yet – is overwhelming in its magnitude.

I absolutely cannot wait to bring Francis home.  If I could, I would go to the airport right now, hop on a plane and go to him.  Since I can’t do that, there’s a lot of “stuff” to get ready and prepare for his arrival.  So much stuff that that, too, is almost overwhelming.  Gregg and I broke out the pen and paper and started making lists on what needed to be done, what needed to be purchased, and what we need help with before we do get on the plane.  I’m sure it will get done.  Most of it, anyway.  And if it doesn’t, we’ll be just fine.  As long as we have the basics, we’ll be OK.  Right now, we’ve got most of his room ready and are waiting on a few things to come in so we can send him a package.  Still, though, I have this recurring nightmare that I’m getting on the plane kicking and screaming that I didn’t get everything done that I needed to do.

In the meantime, now there is hardly a time that goes by that one of us (and this includes Grandma/Lola) goes to a store (or near a store) and doesn’t come home with provisions for Francis.  I went to the grocery store this week and picked up a toothbrush for him.  Cue the tears.  Francis had a toothbrush to hang in the bathroom.  I was buying a toothbrush for my son.  This was FOR REAL.   FINALLY.


  1. Yeah!!!!! For all good things, yeah! It is hard to process and understand, but the pain really does make the reward just that much sweeter. Have a blast!

  2. Oh the joy this little one has brought to you and Gregg.
    It is so wonderful to see you "happy" again. We are all anxiously awaiting the first time you see, hug and kiss your little man. He will have everything he needs when he sets foot in his new home, LOVE, all the necessities and LOVE and even some things he probably won't need and MORE LOVE:)So very blessed to be part of this journey to Francis. Thank you Lord for this little boy.
    Lola and Lolo

  3. Jen!!!! I'm still so overjoyed for you!!! And yes, you will get on that plane when it's time, thinking of the many things yet to be done that you didn't get around to!!!! But that's alright! The most important thing is that Francis will have a loving home with his mommy and daddy!!!! In the end, that's all that matters!!!

  4. I've had weird dreams too ... I think it's "normal"... I once dreamt that I was leaving for work and that I "forgot" my daughter at home haha :-) No worries, you'll be just fine, you won't forget anything... and if you do, you'll be just fine anyways :)
    Buying stuff for our child is so... special :-) Enjoy every moment of preparation before the big day comes!

    Melanie, mom to Annabelle (Heart of Mary Villa, Manila) and Jasmine Smile (RSCC, Davao)

  5. Jen- You and Gregg have been remarkable through this entire process. The UPS & DOWNS would have had so many pull the plog on the entire process.
    I guess when they say "Good things ome to those who wait"is the thruth. You have made an entire family happier then they have been in a very long time. We are all waiting to meet Francis to welcome him into "OUR" family - he is already in each of our hearts. Gregg & you will do great getting things ready - remember you have a large family who is willing to help - just say the word. Luv,
    Auntie Ceil & Uncle Punky

  6. Jen, I am still so overjoyed for the three of you!! It is so much fun preparing for Francis's arrival and you will never feel that everyhing is done because there is ALWAYS something else to do!!! All that matters is that Francis gets lots of love when he comes home and I'm sure that is not going to be a problem!!!!! Have fun mama!!!

  7. Jen, I'm so happy for you! I remember those "overwhelming" moments well. The first time I went shopping after we got the proposal for Nicolas, I very nearly had a breakdown in the store...I was looking at clothes one minute and the next, I was crying and it almost became the "ugly cry...and sobbing" I needed to walk away and come back.

    Enjoy all of these crazy overwhelming moments!

  8. sounds like lots of fun. Except if you had to explain to someone at the shop why a toothbrush purchase was making you cry! No one else would get it like we all do. :)
