Tuesday, June 5, 2012

ICPC – The Step Nobody Talks About

After the massively long wait for a referral, I promised that I wasn’t going to complain about the wait to travel.  And I’m still not going to complain about the wait to travel.  But the past few days, I was starting to be on edge about a few little letters – ICPC (the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children).  If you remember from this post, our criminal clearances had expired the week before the paperwork was to be sent off to ICPC, even though the homestudy was valid until the end of June.  We just needed to clear ICPC and then we could submit our I-800 and all those fun documents (We also have an I-800 supplement 3 going in as well as the I-864 and I-864A. Our family is trying so hard not to be confused as they follow along). 

It took three weeks to get our criminal clearances back.  I drove them to our agency’s office about 15 minutes after I pulled the last one out of the mailbox.  The next day, they put the information in the mail for ICPC. 

Let me tell you, I can be slightly obsessive these days when it comes to finding out exactly how long something should take to do.  I’ve been pretty on the ball.  I don’t want to lose any more time.  The one thing I couldn’t figure out?  How long ICPC was really taking in Pennsylvania.  I was told to expect two weeks.  I refused to believe it would take that long.  I was seeing online that domestic adoptions were clearing Pennsylvania within 48 hours – why would it take an international adoption two weeks?  I couldn’t find an answer.

My agitation rose yesterday, and hit its peak by noon today.  At 1:00, I finally called the program coordinator and told her I was panicking about ICPC.  I think she knew by the tone of my voice I wasn’t kidding, because she offered immediately to call and see what the holdup was.  I told her that wasn’t really why I was calling – I wanted to know if the homestudy couldn’t expire by the time it hit the desk at USCIS or if it had to be fully approved before it could expire.  She reassured me that since our fingerprints were good until November, the homestudy was fine with USCIS – ICPC was the only one that needed a timely homestudy, and we were fine with that.  I felt much more relaxed.

At 2:30, the mail came.  And in the mail?  Yup.  Our letter from ICPC.  Just in case you were wondering?  It took 48 hours to clear ICPC – and then 4 days from the date of the letter until the day we received it.  At the same time I got my letter, the program coordinator got her letter.  They put together the packet for USCIS, and that’s going out in tomorrow’s mail.

PHEW.  The step that nobody talks about has been the biggest paperwork pain in the @$$ so far.  One giant step forward to the day I get to hug my baby!


  1. I'm going to print out this post and put it by the phone so I know what step I'm following and what step is next. Knowing the letters is half the battle in understanding what step is next. Francis come home, Lola is getting grey trying to keep up!

  2. One step closer, my sweet friend. One step closer to your amazing, wonderful, handsome little boy!
