I’m finding some stress in our wait again the past few days. It could be the fact that we’re on the border of the two-and-a-half-year mark. (I’m actually pretty sure that’s what it is.) I’m restless. I’m having a hard time focusing on my work. I’m finding the need to accomplish something else in addition to my work (I’m not sure what that is), and yet I find myself looking from my work to my phone to my e-mail and back again. It’s a vicious cycle. I actually think Lakota’s had enough of it – she keeps giving me very pitiful looks from the couch.
I’m still hearing that irritating, over-used phrase, “You’ll get the call when you least expect it” a whole lot. August has been a bit of a bust, but there are some interesting things going on in September and October, so I decided to have some fun with this saying. The plain and simple fact is (and yes, I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again), at this stage of the waiting game, you expect it at every moment of every day. I would probably only be surprised if the call came at 2 a.m. (So if my social worker is reading this and wants to really surprise me – there’s your cue.)
So here is my list of the top places that could make the best story for getting a referral in the upcoming months:
3. Sweating at the vet’s office with a big dog who hates going there
2. Waiting to be called for jury duty
1. The middle of the Atlantic Ocean. We know that this is a possibility, right, Renee? I can guarantee you if the call has not come at this time we will be checking messages every time the ship comes into port! (And we are always the type to lose the phones on vacation, too…I think I’ve lost it!)
Anyone else have any good places to add to the list?